Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bead Totems

Not really an original idea but here are a few of the bead totems I have made. I have about a dozen or so of these guys. The base is made directly onto a mandrel with no release on it so the glass is stuck right to the metal rod. I then use a tap and thread the top so the beads are screwed on. Otherwise, if when they tip or are moved for cleaning, the beads could fall off. Sometimes I thread the rod first, before the glass base is formed, sometimes after, it doesn't matter much. I then use small nuts from the hardware store to top them off. I did manage once to cover the nut in a thin layer of glass which added to the visual appeal by not having an 'ugly' not on top. It was way more work than I wanted so now its back to nuts. You can see the one with glass over the nut on the left hand side. I have thought about selling these guys but never have. Its also not something I want to produce so I don't. Anyway, its neat enough that I have wanted to post a photo of some here for a while.


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