Thursday, September 07, 2006

Of course, its Smart Media....

This morning I was ready to wow the world with a few new items. But, I cant get my digital camera to work.

Problem seems to be the smart media flash cards. Both of them, worked yesterday and now I cant format them. Been through this before and into the manual several times. Nope, none of the old standby tricks seem to work...... Anyone got any suggestions ? So, the joys of living in a small town means that I cant get it here. I have to go online to seek out obscure vendors who carry this critical yet outdated wafer of technology.

At this point its almost cheaper to buy a new digital camera than these cards for the old, almost an antique camera (Its about 6 yrs old).

Two new cards on order and $100 lighter in the wallet, nothing left to do but wait....

What I wanted to do was post;
1) photos of the two new kittens, "Lila" and "Clover" named by the local 5 yr old girl.
2) photos of the four beads I have made under the molten lava and Caribbean blues themes.
3) photos of my 2 new bead sculptures. Cantilever glass ala Frank Lloyd Wright.

Speaking of Wright we managed to make a much anticipated and long awaited trip to Taliesin West about a month ago. Well worth the trip ! What a cool place. Very inspiring. If you are ever in the Phoenix area, you have to go.

Sorry but you will have to wait....

My intention is that once able again, I will post up photos of the 4 beads and you all will pick which ones best represent the themes. Then we will proceed in wrapping up the bead contests.

Hopefully the cards will arrive soon and I can be photo capable, with smart media.

Oh ! -in the local newspaper, Ajo Copper News, under opinion poll, you can vote for a highway bypass or against the bypass. Im against the bypass, maybe you can visit also and vote against the bypass. Got to keep traffic going past local businesses.


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