Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Blast Furnace


I have returned. Im back home and not sure I like it. Temps have crept up to 116 today. Its like living inside a blast furnace. Even the cactus in the yard is telling me by its droopy limbs, enough already. We are all awaiting the return of the monsoons, sure they add humidity to things but they also cool down the inferno.

WAY TOO HOT to make beads. I lament that and longingly recall the last time I was able to melt glass, like a dream.

2 weeks were spent up in Mesa Verde and Canyon De Chelly area. Trips into Telluride, Durango, Silverton Colorado where I was in snow. It snowed, hailed and was cool. How refreshing. Those areas seemed resplendent with shades of green. It seemed an emerald world compared to here.

Pipes are all fixed, the house is back to normal. Its as if the whole thing never happened. The only reminder is my bank account which is missing a substantial amount of its balance.

So in many or most ways Stoffobeads is back to its normal routines. Save for the heat, which isnt about to let up its great to be back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

Cool weather is something we have a lot of here. Had a freeze warning two nights ago. Had to cover all of my plants. Thankfully, we didn't have any casualties. :D Now it's back to the low to mid 70's. Not bad! :D

I need you to change my link from to

My old link is no longer working.

Thanks a bunch!
talk with you soon

3:59 PM  

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