Sunday, January 15, 2006


Here are some photos of necklaces made by Stoffobeads customers, using Stoffobeads. Its obvious in some that the craftsmanship of the beaders is far beyond anything I have created as far as the bead goes....

If you see your work here and are not given credit for it, I apologize, I have not kept as good a record of who made what as I should/could have. Email me, leave a comment here and we will ensure you get credit where credit is due. Its not due to any disrespect or with any intent not to credit the artists, the Stoffobeads front room office is simply a mess when it comes to stuff like this.

Well, a week long 'bead camp' with my sister left me with a few new beads that I will be selling. I also made two glass bracelets which she has taken with her and they were crude attempts at the fine work you can see/buy from folks who make a living making bracelets. Bottom line, I can do it but not well, like soo many things.

These photos include a custom set of beads made of a little girl who was about 3.5 years old, and she is showing it off below. In addition, special custom order for beads made directly on copper and brass tube.

Today I will spend cleaning up the studio, and getting things ready to go back into solo production. My experiment with a kiln crucible was a failure. I may add a post on that later a failure post might be cleansing. The goal was to dip vessels and marbles into a crucible of clear. Well it didn't work out. If you have any experience in this area, let me know, I could use some advice....

Hope you enjoy this gallery of necklaces. Stofobead seal of approval ;)


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