Thursday, January 12, 2006

Storia Necklace

This necklace was made by Victoria Storia of Storia Designs. I have not been in touch with her in some time but she made this necklace. Its a marvelous and unique design that highlights the beads I made. This piece is in my personal collection and my wife wears it regularly and always gets comments about it.

The beads are a mix of lampworked and lampworked and then lapidary worked or cold worked beads. This necklace also contains vintage glass beads, that Victoria managed to come up with from her bead stash. Victoria used the large disk bead and another bead to make a very unique toggle and I must say, this is an awesome piece.

In addition, this necklace is my one entry in Cindy Jenkins Beads of Glass book. It has given me great pleasure to get into the book since it was Cindy Jenkins first book, Making Glass Beads that gave me such inspiration and instruction. I studied the book and I think I copied or tried to copy everything in the book.

Before I leave, last night I read about an artist, jelwery artist making jewlery with "Detroit Agate" this is chunks or chips of auto paint from the Ford factory spray booth. On the one hand, Im a bit horrified and on the other Im incredibly fascinated by it. The paint is worked so you can see the layers of different color and it does look like agate.

More to come......


Blogger aforditey said...

Hi Stoffobeads, Ha! Yes, I had to laugh when I read your mention of "Detroit Agate", and initially being horrified by the concept of it's use in jewelry. It is a shocker, and especially for us gem and fine glass snobs...But let me tell you- you really get over the disdain for it's lowly factory beginnings when you see some of it in person, and work with it. It is really spectacular, and people LOVE IT! I happen to sell it myself, and "Dagenham Agate" (a London Ford variety), so if you're feeling wild, and would like to hop the fence and see what the fuss is about, email me, and I'll send you some pics of available pieces. -Cindy

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliments, Matt. So, you decided not to sell the piece LOL. Glad your wife is enjoying it. I can't do much weaving anymore due to a nerve problem that caused me to loose the use of my left arm for almost 2 years - better now, but I'll never have full range of motion again. Too many years over a desk or a table, I fear.

We need a better picture of that piece - maybe I can find the original and clean it up a bit.

Victoria Sutherland

5:50 AM  

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