Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A bead-less day

Well, auctions are going well for the studio sale. Im very pleased with the way its going. The first auction closed today with I think 9 bids. I was asked yesterday, invited really to participate in a gallery show. Im excited and best part is that its not until 07 so I have lots of time to make up some really really good stuff. Thats the future, I promised old beads in the title of this post.

Here is some early boro, some amber purple and some thing else, I have no idea what it is.....

I do like the way the green squiggles appear to be floating or swimming in the swirly stuff. Thats the beauty of boro as far as Im concerned is that you get this primal organic stuff that for the life of me I have a hard time reproducing.
I really like the look but its not for everyone I know that.

There will be a few more random old bead photos tossed into this at opportune times. I was thinking that Id do a few posts on stuff folks have made with my beads. From the necklace published in Cindy Jenkins book to fly fishing lures, to who knows what folks have got out there made. I will probably ask a few folks to send me some photos and if any of you out there have made stuff with my beads send me photos and Ill put em in a posting. Maybe depending on the response I will open it up to anything anyone made with any beads.....

The new issue of Bead and Button magazine came out in the mail today. My ad is on page 144.

On page 177 there is an ad for the Magical crimp forming tool. Now this thing is AWESOME. Believe it or not my neighbor in this small town of Ajo, AZ invented and patented this tool. It takes a 2mm crimp bead and forms it into a silver, or gold looking bead, it does away with the old flat crimp and turns it into what looks just like a metal bead. This thing is going to take off ! I have tried the tool and it works great. My neighbor who invented it will be in Tucson at the Bead show bringing out the tool on its debut.

Otherwise my day was fairly beadless today. I spent some time getting the bead studio set up for 2 torch stations. I have some folks coming to learn how to make beads next week so I have to set up a second torch at a second station. I normally have the torch set up but keep them both at my workstatio, so I can switch back and forth between them. So, I got that done and then spent some time on yardwork. Maybe tomorrow I will get in and melt some glass.


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